Thursday, October 23, 2008

More on the Board meeting...& Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#43)

Interesting side note:
I've discovered that Carol Krengelis, one of two Board members who voted to allow Eddie Foss' Secret Apartment to remain at $10 instead of $150 is a Certified Business Analysis Professional!
She voted to turn down an $1,800 per year offer for a space currently rented to her friend, Edward Vincent Foss, for only $120 a year!
Then, she voted a 5% increase in assessments, instead!
Geez, that certification course must be pretty damn easy if someone with this total lack of business acumen could pass it!
(Let's not even go into the alreadt-extant violations of the state Condo Code, and probably Building Code this vote enabled!)
Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$118.49 from an original $75!

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