Friday, October 31, 2008

Return of the BBB & Fox Management Group (#47, 48 & 49)

No response from Fox Management Group to our most recent BBB complaint.
They have 10 days to respond, 3 have passed. Response must be posted by next Friday, Nov. 7th.

The FoxMobile SUV was at the building on Thursday night.
Mara Fox didn't stop by or drop off a check for their overdue bill...

An interesting addition to the reviews of Fox Management Group on
The greatest accomplishment our condo association has compleate (sic) was to contract Fox Management Group. Thier (sic) are to (sic) many reasons to give in this limited space so only a few will be noted.
1 Works well with board members and members of the condo.
2 Always available and returns phone calls as soon as possible.
3. Up to date on IL. CONDO ACT. as well as IL.OPEN MEETING LAWS (Note: Illinois has NO "open meeting laws" There are rules within the Condo Act, but no stand-alone laws. Sounds like Al and Mara went to the same law school. Oh, that's right. Mara Feldman-Fox has only a Bachelors in Accounting and no legal training, whatsoever...)
4 A great responce (sic) to questions and gives options to choose from.
5. Vast knowledge of vendors for upkeep / repair of property
6. Concerned about the environment.and will make suggestions about recycleing, (sic) CFL's for lighting and etc..
Thank you Stephenie (sic) for being thier (sic) when we need you.
Al G (October 26, 2008 by Al Goelz in Libertyville, IL)

Makes you wonder how old "Al Goelz" (if he really exists) is, if he knows grammar, or even knows how to use spellcheck...

Why is it the few responses praising Fox Management read like they're written by illiterates, except for Eddie Foss' response, which is factually inaccurate? I guess $10 a month living spaces make one too complacent to fact-check!

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$123.29 from an original $75!
Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$124.52 from an original $75!
Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$125.76 from an original $75!

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