Monday, August 18, 2008

Ed, Edward, & Eddie...

To give you an idea of the limited mindset I'm dealing with at Fox Management...

To: B
Please stop using the name Eddie, Ed Foss uses the name Ed.
I am sure if you were called Bri or Red you would find it offensive.
As is all walks of life, please treat others as you would like to be treated.

Thank you,

From: B

My wife, my family, and my friends do call me "Bri"!
Since seeing Beowulf, several of them now call me "Wiglaf" (That's a pop-culture in-joke. You probably won't get it. Ask your kids.)

And, at my recent gig, several co-workers called me "Red" (actually "Red B"), since there was also a "B" in the same office, and the two names obviously sound the same. (The other B was called "Big B", since he was even bigger and heavier than me!)

"Eddie" is a friendly version of "Ed" or "Edward" (both rather formal-sounding).

Friendly people use diminutives and nicknames.
Why you're uncomfortable with them is a matter for speculation.

Curious, that you take offense at my attempt to be friendly.
Judith Marrs has no apparent problem with "Judy".

Either way, if "Foss" has a problem with it, he should tell me.

Apparently befuddled that anyone would address others in a friendly manner, Mara responds...

To: B

Maybe before you use a nickname, you should ask the person if it offesive
(sic) to them. I named my children particular names, although there may be common nicknames for them. I expect and demand that they be called by their proper names.
In all the years that I have know Ed - I have never heard anyone call him "
Eddie" therefore I can not imagine that it is an attempt to be friendly or just merely annoying. Just my thoughts at large - enough on this issue.

She doesn't seem to even know how to use spellcheck. "Offesive"?
Mommy "expects and demands that they be called by their proper names"? Hoo Boy!


Most creatives have no problem with nicknames.
Most non-creatives do.
Your belief that Foss would be uncomfortable with them is an interesting comment on your opinion of his character and creativity (or lack therof).
We each have our opinion on the matter, and we're both entitled to them.
You can't convince me,
I can't convince you, nor would I try.
Just my thoughts at large - enough on this issue.

And thus it ended...

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