Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fox Management Group and the BBB Part 6 (94179735)

When last we left our heroine...
In an ongoing conflict with the decidedly-nasty Fox Management Group and the insidious Mara Feldman-Fox, A has gone to the Better Business Bureau to complain about Fox's poor customer service skills, specifically, her sudden billing for "time" (at $75 per hour)!
After making a potent argument and refuting Fox's irrational rant of a response (all of which are available in the previous blog entries), it appeared A was on the verge of victory!
But, strange forces are at work.
A second complaint against Fox about a totally-different matter from B, A's husband, was mysteriously combined with A's complaint!
(see previous entry)

I contacted the BBB about their combining of the two totally-different complaints against the same company.
Within 24 hours, the second unrelated complaint was deleted from my complaint and assigned a case number.
Without explanation, my complaint was "administratively closed"!

On June 18th, I contacted Nicole Tooks, Assistant Manager, Financial Services whose e-mail informed me of the closure that day, asking for an explanation of the error and the reason for the closing of the case.

Ms. Tooks:
I'm curious as to why you (or one of your staff) combined two separate situations from two separate complainants (myself and my husband) against the same company into one and listed the first matter as "resolved" when neither matter was, in fact, resolved?
(Body of B's complaint. See previous blog entry for text)
Why was this done?
And how was the matter "resolved" since you hadn't received any response from Fox Management?

I'm still waiting for a response from Ms. Tooks.

Curiously, when I added this new information to the complaint database on the BBB website, it was deleted within 24 hours of posting!

How very Orwellian...
Is Big Sister watching?

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