Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Turnabout IS Fair Play...

If you've followed the recent Fox Management/BBB thread, you know that Mara Feldman-Fox is now charging us (and only us) $75 per hour for a service (information requests) that previously did not incur a fee for time expended.
She did so without advance notice as to allow the consumer (us) to avoid the fee by not utilizing the service (which, in fact, is her intention)!
Taking a page from her book, I billed Fox Management Group for concierge services/assistance I performed (as requested by Fox's representatives/contracted vendors) on site at the condo, at the same $75 per hour rate.
I had previously done so for free. But, the same principle she believes applies to her, applies to me.
Payment for the bill was due today, August 19th, 2008.
Mara, of course, had the option of challenging the bill, by contacting me by mail, e-mail or phone. (She did not offer my wife or me the same option with her bill, which legally she had to do! In fact, she listed the bill, which was paid within 30 days, as being "31-60 days overdue"!)
Mara did not respond or challenge the bill. (And even if she had, any legal argument against my charging a fee would apply equally to her!)
And now, she has not paid the bill!
The mail has come, and Mara's payment for my services rendered is not among the envelopes!
The bill has a 1% cumulative daily late charge. That means that each day the bill isn't paid, 1% of the previous day's total is charged. (Hey, BlockBuster Video legally charged a 50% daily late fee, so my 1% fee is quite reasonable, and payday loans [legal in this state] easily exceed the rate.)
So, as of today, Aug. 19th, Fox Management Group owes me, not $75, but $75.75!
Tomorrow, if the bill isn't paid, it'll be $76.51 ($75.75 + $0.76) and so-on-and-so-forth, until it is paid...
I'll keep a running total on this blog, posted daily.

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