Saturday, August 23, 2008

Still no payment from Fox Management Group (4&5)

As regards the money I'm owed by Fox for services rendered...$78.82 due as of Saturday. $79.61 as of Sunday.
It's curious that no mail has arrived from Fox Management Group.
Besides the assessment notice, we're eagerly awaiting the minutes from the Board meeting I unfortunately missed.
Makes you wonder what went on...
On the other hand, their failure to send an assessment bill is also worrysome.
What if they voted a special assessment, due on Sept. 1st?
Fox had tried a what appears to be a stunt similar to the one credit card companies have done; charging a late fee even though the previous payment had arrived on time. If the payee doesn't question it, it's gravy for them. If the payee can prove there's no reason for the late charge, they retract the charge.
Luckily, we send everything to Fox with Delivery Confirmation so Post Office records show when things arrive! (...and it's deductible as a business expense!) Fox, of course, had to retract the late charge and apologize...
More to come...

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