Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fox Management Group and the BBB Part 2 (94179735)

The Empress Strikes Back! or Attack of the Crone!
Fox Mangagment Group is responding to complaint against Fox Management Group, as the managing agent for the Claremont Condominium Association by Ms. A, spouse of Mr. B. Claremont is governed by an elected Board of Directors, Declaration and By-Laws and the Illinois Condominium Propery Act. I as their agent act on their direction. To that end, in response to Ms. A complaints:

1. It has never been my practice, although I have the right, to bill a unit owner for special requests of documents. The Illinois Condominium Property Act, Section 19, 9, f Records of the association; availability for examination, part f specifically, provides the means to charge for the cost associated with retrieving records and making them available. The Act states in part, Section 19.9. f. " The actual cost to the association of retrieving and making requested records available for inspection and examination under this Section shall be charged by the association to the requesting member. If a member request copies of records requested under this Section, the actual costs to the association of reproducing the records shall also be charged by the association to the requesting member." Ms. A and her husband, Mr. B are constantly requesting association documents, as it is their right. I have graciously been providing information - but it has become very time consuming. The Association's monthly management fee does not cover special requests from unit owners. As stated in the condominium Act those special requests are billable to the unit owner. I have charged Fox Management Group's hourly rate at $75.00 plus copy costs.

2. As stated above, no other member of the Association has ever requested documents to the extent of Ms. A and her husband, Mr. B. The Association has a written contract that stipulates Fox Management Group's monthly fee and additional costs that are charged monthly. I reiterate, the requests are not part of the services that are provided in my contract and by law Fox Management Group has the right to charge for time and materials.

3. There will be no written apology on company letterhead. There is nothing to apologize for. I have provided the information as requested in a timely basis.

4. As stated in my previous e-mail, my time is valuable. There will be no retraction of this invoice. If there are additional requests, Ms. A can expect standard charges of Fox Management Group's hourly rate of $75.

Mara Feldman-Fox

Tomorrow: Customer rebuttal!

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