Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fox Management Group and the BBB Part 5 (94179735)

While A was pursuing this matter, B had contacted the BBB about another Fox-related matter...

"More info received from the consumer" (which was not from me on this matter.but from my husband on another totally different matter!)

I (B) requested copies of e-mails by a fellow resident sent to Fox Management and cc'ed to me...
from B
to Fox Management,
subject: Follow-up to information request...
Just following-up on my request from October 12th (four days ago) for the following information...
Am looking into Ana Garcia's computer problems to ascertain why I did not receive the forwarded e-mails she stated she sent to you asking for a meeting regarding the posters.
Since Ana stated she intended to send them to me, and that, due to tech problems, they didn't go thru, could you please forward your copies (which would have a cc to me and my addy)?
This will tell me if it's just a mistyped e-mail address (as I suspect) or something more serious.
from Fox Management
to B
subject: RE: Follow-up to information request...
As those are Ana's communications to the Board of Directors, please obtain them directly from Anna. If you insist on recieving
(sic) them from my office, I will have to charge (as permitted by law) you for my time as it may be time consuming for me to research and forwarded them on.
from B
to Fox Management,
subject: Re: Follow-up to information request...
As Ana Garcia stated to all attending the Board meeting, they WERE cc'd to me as well, they are NOT "privileged communications", but were INTENDED FOR ME as well as you and the Board. Thus, I AM legally entitled to see them.
In addition, with Ana's computer apparently not functioning properly, the best source for the material is Fox Managment, as you archive all communications from Unit Owners, Condo Residents, etc. and have acknowledged receipt of this particular communication in which Ms. Garcia requested an open meeting to discuss the poster matter.
To find the particular e-mail, all you would have to do is a keyword search in your mail program for "Garcia", "Poster", and probably "Foss" from Aug 2007 onward.
I want only the communications cc'd to me.
With various word combinations, it would take anyone competent no more than 15 minutes to find and forward the e-mail.
If you feel you must charge me for what most people would consider a common courtesy (and an extremely simple task at that), please do at the standard clerical rate charged by most temp agencies ($10 per hour) for such simple work. For fifteen minutes (The standard agency billing increment) or less, it should come out to $2.50 (and please enclose the invoice as an attachment to the forwarded e-mail)
I feel it is well worth the $2.50 to help Ana resolve this odd problem.
A simple forwarded e-mail (with headers intact) is all I ask for. No printout is required.

There was NO response from Fox Management.
Since Fox Management is required by law to keep all correspondence from unit owners, condo residents, etc. on file, and since Fox apparently has no record of an e-mail cc'ed to me about Ana Garcia requesting a meeting, what conclusion would you draw?

1) Mara Feldman-Fox lied in public about receiving the e-mail, and that there is NO e-mail from Ana Garcia?
2) Mara Feldman-Fox is incapable of searching her own e-mail system? (and the HotMail system is simple enough for preschoolers to use! Mara has a BA in accounting!)
3) Mara Feldman-Fox does not understand the law?
4) All of the above?
5) None of the above?
My bet's on 4!

Both my wife and I have made numerous written requests for the information each month since this e-mail thread was ended by Fox without response.
Mara Feldman-Fox has refused to provide the material giving answers ranging from a simple "No" to "the information is not available" which I take as "It doesn't exist."
Desired action: e-mail or hardcopy (with headers) of requested e-mail or written acknowledgment that it does not, in fact, exist.

Somehow this totally-separate item from B was added to the complaint I (A) had made about Fox Management!
And, as the saying goes, hilarity ensues...

Tomorrow, really and truly, The Fearsome Finale!

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