Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fox Management Group and the BBB Part 4 (94179735)

Fox's response...

Gee, there wasn't one!

However, there are two "additional information from consumer" items from me...
On May 22nd, I received a financial statement from Fox Management listing the invoice in question (#1808, issued May 1, 2008, only 21 days ago) as being "31-60 days past due" as of May 20th, 2008!
Unless time travel is involved, I am at a loss to explain how this is possible.
A couple of possible reasons for this incredibly-incorrect financial statement come to mind...
1) Yet ANOTHER accounting error on Fox's part. They seem to be, dare I say, multiplying!
2) A punitive attempt to set up a late fee charge where NONE exists or WILL exist, since payment (under protest) for the illegal billing for "her time" is being sent before June 1, 2008, LESS than 31 days after the billing and before the normal "past due" penalty timeframe would begin! (You will note from the download I previously-sent that Fox had already tried to impose a non-existent late charge on another matter and had to withdraw it and apologize.)

On May 22nd, I received a financial statement from Fox Management listing the invoice in question (1808, issued May 1, 2008, only 21 days ago) as being "31-60 days past due" as of May 20th, 2008!
When I informed Fox Management of this, they responded with...
"statements are a courtesy., if you do not like the information as printed, please bring it to the Board of Directors' attention or pay the invoice promptly."
If "statements are a courtesy" (which they aren't, they're a requirement), aren't they still expected to be accurate?
We have paid the illegal charge (under protest, of course) and will contest it, first at the next Board of Directors meeting, then with legal measures, if needed.
Tomorrow: The Fearsome Finale!

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