Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I committed a "Fox"

From the Dictionary of Claremont:
A "Fox" (noun) is an accounting error. Based on the fact that Fox has made several obvious accounting mistakes in recent billing.
Now that we've covered that...
As I said, I committed a Fox.
In trying to be nice to Fox Management, I did two things I normally don't do in billing.
a) I gave them three weeks (specifically fifteen business days, not counting holidays or weekends), not my usual two calendar weeks (fourteen days).
b) I specifically-stated that the late fee would be applied only to "business days". Again, not counting weekends or holidays.
So my previous calculations don't apply to Saturday & Sunday (and will not apply to Labor Day). They DO apply to Monday & Tuesday. So, as of today, Fox Management is in arrears to the total of $79.61!
My bad...
Still no assessment invoice or Board minutes as of Monday's post. We've sent payment (w/Delivery Confirmation, of course) in order for it to be there before Sept. 1st.

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